?Incheon International Airport Accepting Additional Applications for the 4th Commercially Important Person (CIP) Membership
Incheon International Airport is accepting additional applications for the Commercially Important Person (CIP) membership, which provides access to premier airport services. Please refer to the attached flyer for a brief overview of the membership and application process if you are interested in applying.
Please click here (Word doc) to see more information about the membership (in Korean). See page 4 of this file for details on how to apply.
Please click here (Excel) to download the company information form (in Korean)
Please send the required documents and company information to the AMCHAM Office no later than 18:00, Monday, August 31st, 2015 by visiting or sending mail / e-mail.
< AMCHAM Korea Office >
Fax: 02-6201-2223
Email: oh@amchamkorea.org
Address: #4501, Trade Tower 159-1, Samsung-dong, Kangnam-gu, Seoul