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[News Article] K-뷰티 전도사된 한국암웨이, 글로벌 색조시장 공략

K-뷰티 전도사된 한국암웨이, 글로벌 색조시장 공략  머니투데이 조한송 기자 - 한국암웨이가 K-뷰티 경쟁력을 인정받아 암웨이 회원국을 대상으로한 뷰티 제품 생산의 핵심 축으로 떠올랐다. 한국암웨이가 56개국에 공급될 색조 화장품과 퍼스널 케어, 디바이스 등을 개발하는 전초기지가 된 것. 한국암웨이가 국내 화장품 제조회사들과 손잡고 제품 개발에 나서면서 이들 기업에게도 수혜가 돌아가고 있다.  K-뷰티 경쟁력 인정받아 뷰티 전초기지 된 한국암웨이 한국암웨이는 이달 뷰티 브랜드 '아티스트리'를 통해 베이스 2종, 아이 메이크업 5종, 컬러 메이크업 3종 및 브러쉬 등 색조 화장품 분야 신제품 11종을 선보였다. 이중 7종은 한국 뿐만 아니라 전 세계 시장에 동시 출시된다. 국내에서 만든 화장품이 암웨이 플랫폼을 통해 전세계로 수출되는 셈이다. 이들 제품의 개발부터 생산까지 전 과정은 한국에 위치한 조직인 '이스트 뷰티 혁신 허브(EBCOE: East Beauty Center of Excellence)'가 주도했다. 암웨이 이스트 뷰티 혁신 허브는 세계 시장을 타깃으로 신제품 개발, 브랜딩, 포트폴리오 전략을 총괄하는 조직이다. 미국에 위치한 웨스트 뷰티 혁신 허브가 스킨케어를 담당하고, 한국의 이스트는 색조 분야와 더불어 퍼스널 케어 (구강 케어, 바디 케어, 헤어 제품 등) 및 뷰티 디바이스를 맡는다. 한국암웨이가 미국 본사와 함께 뷰티 부문의 한 축을 담당하는 셈이다.  한국암웨이는 지난 십여 년 간 다수의 성공 사례를 이끌며 미국 본사로부터 뷰티 분야에서 성과를 입증받았다. 이스트 뷰티 혁신 허브의 전신 격인 '아시아 이노베이션 센터'를 통해서는 쿠션 파운데이션과 더마소닉 등의 제품을 출시해 세계 시장에서 열풍을 일으켰다. 2010년대 본격적으로 'K-뷰티' 열풍이 일며 해외 시장에서 시너지 효과를 낸 것. 당시에는 아시아 국가가 대상이었다면 이제는 이스트 뷰티 혁신 허브를 통해 미국 등 전세계 시장으로 무대를 넓혔다.  한국암웨이에 따르면 글리스터(구강 케어 브랜드) 제품군은 올해 총 61개국에 출시돼 약 3702억원(2억9000만 달러)의 판매가 예상된다. 바디 케어 제품군 또한 이와 비슷한 성적을 거둘 것으로 예상되며 색조 화장품의 경우 올해 56개국에서 817억원(6400만 달러)의 매출이 예상된다. 국내 화장품 제조업체 수출길 열려 한국암웨이가 이스트 뷰티 혁신 허브를 총괄하면서 국내 뷰티 기업도 덩달아 수혜를 보고 있다. 코스메카, 코스맥스 등 기존 거래업체와 더불어 색조 화장품 개발 과정에서 C&C인터내셔널, 화성코스메틱, 믹스앤매치 등 신규 화장품 의류 주문자상표부착생산(OEM)·제조자 설계 생산(ODM) 회사도 참여하게 됐기 때문이다. 이들 화장품 제조회사들은 암웨이의 해외 플랫폼을 타고 해외 수출의 성과를 거두게 됐다.  암웨이 이스트 뷰티 혁신 허브는 빠르게 변하는 트렌드에 대응하는 한편 역량이 검증된 국내 중소기업들과의 협업해 제품을 혁신하는 데 집중하고 있다. 올해 상반기에는 '글리스터'의 리브랜딩을 성공적으로 진행했고 하반기에는 바디케어 브랜드 'G&H'의 신제품을 출시할 예정이다.  최근 가치 소비가 늘어남에 따라 색조 화장품 분야 신제품 또한 '클린 뷰티'를 내세우고 있다. 제품에 화이트 치아씨드, 석류추출물 등 암웨이가 보유한 건강기능식품 브랜드 뉴트리라이트의 성분을 포함시키고 탈크 성분과 카본 블랙 성분을 마이카 성분과 미네랄 유래 성분으로 대체한 것이 대표적이다. 비건 뷰티 인증 또한 진행했다.  안세진 암웨이 이스트 뷰티 혁신 허브 상무는 "세련되고 까다로운 국내 소비자의 눈높이에 맞추다보니 K-뷰티 산업이 경쟁력을 갖추게 됐다"며 "앞으로도 암웨이는 글로벌 종합 웰니스 기업으로서 혁신을 이어가며 고객 수요에 맞춘 토탈 '헬시 뷰티' 솔루션을 선보이겠다"고 강조했다.  출처: https://news.mt.co.kr/mtview.php?no=2023061613173830915


[News Article] Coupang's food sales in 1Q 2023 increase by 20% on-year: market data

Coupang's food sales in 1Q 2023 increase by 20% on-year: market data    Park Sae-jin, Aju Business Daily - Coupang, the South Korean counterpart of Amazon, saw its food sales grow by more than 300 percent compared to the growth of other online and offline food sales. The secret behind Coupang's success in online food sales is the cooperation between the online shopping giant and food companies in which they take different roles so that they can focus on the things they do best. The online shopping giant garnered explosive popularity among working people, housewives, and parents with young children during the COVID-19 pandemic through the company's overnight and one-day grocery delivery services. When a customer orders fresh groceries through the overnight delivery service, he or she can have the goods delivered early in the morning. Coupang operates some 100 fulfillment centers, which are small-sized logistics warehouses with refrigerating facilities for fresh and frozen food, for its quick-delivery services in major cities including Seoul and the southern port city of Busan. The shopping giant started the demonstration of an automated fulfillment center in Daegu some 240 kilometers (149 miles) south of Seoul to test the efficacy of robot-based logistics systems. At the Daegu center, robots busily move around to carry product packets and boxes in the sorting center to speed up the delivery preparation process.  Coupang said that the company recorded food sales of about $5.8 billion in the first quarter of 2023, up 20 percent compared to the same period a year ago. The company focused on delivery and customer service so that food makers can only focus on production and quality control. The online shopping giant described the symbiotic relationship with food companies as a "win-win relationship" that creates a virtuous cycle of production and distribution. According to South Korea's state statistical information service, the overall online food service saw a sales increase of six percent in 1Q 2023 while the retail industry's sales increased by 4 percent compared to the same period in 2022. Source: https://www.ajudaily.com/view/20230616140634384 


[News Article] Posco Holdings breaks ground on lithium hydroxide production plant

Posco Holdings breaks ground on lithium hydroxide production plant  BY SHIN HA-NEE, Korea JoongAng Daily - Posco Holdings broke ground on a 575-billion-won ($451.5 million) production plant for lithium hydroxide for electric vehicle (EV) batteries at Yulchon industrial complex in South Jeolla, Tuesday. It is the first of its kind in Korea, according to the company. The groundbreaking came after Posco Holdings announced its plan to build two lithium factories — a lithium carbonate factory near the Salar del Hombre Muerto salt lake in northern Argentina, and a lithium hydroxide plant in South Jeollla — in October last year. Posco Holdings plans to ship lithium carbonate produced in the Argentina plant to the Yulchon facility in Korea to make lithium hydroxide. Lithium hydroxide is one of the core materials to make cathodes, which account for 40 percent of the production cost of an EV battery. Posco Holdings is pouring some 575 billion won into building the lithium hydroxide plant through Posco Lithium Solution, its wholly-owned subsidiary, which will fund, build and run the new plant. The lithium plant, which is slated for completion in 2025, will produce 25,000 tons of lithium hydroxide a year, which is enough for batteries for 600,000 EVs. In 2018, Posco acquired mining rights of the Hombre Muerto salt lake from Applecross, Australia-based Galaxy Resources for $280 million. It discovered last year that the lake has 13.5 million tons of lithium reserves, or six times the amount it was projected to have in 2018. Posco Holdings has been building a 25,000-ton first-stage lithium hydroxide factory in Argentina since March last year, which will be completed in the first half of 2024.  Posco Holdings aims to expand its lithium production capacity based on brine resources from the Hombre Muerto salt lake to 100,000 tons by 2028. Source: https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/2023/06/13/business/industry/Korea-Posco-Holdings-EV-battery/20230613185836661.html 


[News Article] 한국화이자, '2023 얼룩말 캠페인' 전개…희귀질환 환자 교통비 지원한다

한국화이자, '2023 얼룩말 캠페인' 전개…희귀질환 환자 교통비 지원한다   약업신문 최윤수 기자 - 한국화이자제약(대표 오동욱)은 희귀질환에 대한 인식을 제고하고 환자들의 질환 극복을 응원하기 위한 ‘얼룩말 캠페인’의 일환으로 2023년 희귀질환 환자 교통비 지원 사업을 전개하고, 캠페인 참여자를 15일부터 선착순으로 모집한다고 밝혔다. 2023년 교통비 지원 사업 대상자는 희귀질환(헬프라인 고시 질환)으로 진단받은 저소득층 환자로, 치료를 위해 발생한 교통비 및 유류비에 대해 환자 1인당 최대 50만 원까지 지원이 이루어진다. 특히, 작년 160명의 환자를 선발했던 것과는 달리, 올해에는 인원 제한을 없애고 지원 요건을 충족하는 신청자를 선착순으로 모집해 보다 유동적으로 지원한다는 방침이다. 이를 통해 보다 많은 희귀질환 환자 및 가족들에게 교통비 혜택을 제공할 수 있게 됐다. 환자 및 보호자는 내원하는 병원 내 사회사업팀(실)을 통해 상담 및 신청할 수 있으며, 병원에 별도의 사회사업팀이 없는 경우에는 한국희귀·난치성질환연합회 홈페이지에 게시된 지원 신청서 및 개인정보 동의서 양식을 내려 받아 추가 제출 서류와 함께 동봉해 우편으로 접수할 수 있다.   본 사업은 △한국화이자제약 △대한의료사회복지사협회 △사랑의열매 사회복지공동모금회 △한국희귀·난치성질환연합회 4개 기관이 협력해 운영하고 있다. 한국화이자제약은 캠페인 전반 운영을 지원하며, 캠페인 및 교통비 지원에 필요한 기부금을 사랑의열매 사회복지공동모금회에 기부한다. 한국희귀·난치성질환연합회는 수혜자 모집 및 선정 등의 사업 전반 운영을 맡게 된다. 대한의료사회복지사협회는 협회 소속 병원 대상 홍보를 담당해, 경제적 부담이 큰 희귀질환 환자들의 참여를 독려할 계획이다. 한국화이자제약 희귀질환 사업부 총괄 김희정 전무는 “정기적인 병원 방문이 필요한 희귀질환 환자들에게 교통비 지원이 실질적인 도움으로 이어지길 바라며 올해도 얼룩말 캠페인을 진행하게 됐다”며 “앞으로도 희귀질환 환자들이 희망을 잃지 않고 치료 여정을 이어갈 수 있도록, 희귀질환에 대한 인식을 함양할 수 있는 얼룩말 캠페인 활동을 지속해서 전개해 나가겠다”고 전했다. 한국희귀·난치성질환연합회 김재학 회장은 “희귀질환 환자들은 오랜 진단 과정과 치료 여정으로 신체적, 정신적 부담뿐 아니라 경제적인 부담의 삼중고를 겪고 있는 만큼, 환자 및 가족들의 부담을 경감시키고 적극적으로 치료를 받을 수 있는 환경을 조성하는 것이 중요하다”며 “올해도 얼룩말 캠페인을 통해 희귀질환 환자들에 대한 관심과 도움이 지속될 수 있도록 노력할 것”이라고 말했다. 출처: https://www.yakup.com/news/index.html?mode=view&cat=12&nid=282691 


[News Article] Hyundai Motor reaps benefits of startup investments

Hyundai Motor reaps benefits of startup investments   BY SARAH CHEA, Korea JoongAng Daily - A nearly 1-meter robot goes up and down the stairs delivering food and drinks. This robot will soon be on Korean streets as a flag person and even as a patrol officer. This is what Mobinn, a robotics startup spun off from Hyundai Motor, hopes to realize at least by the end of next year. Hyundai Motor Group on Thursday held an HMG Open Innovation Tech Day event in western Seoul to share its journey of investing in and fostering startups, as well as an update on their progress. "Hyundai invested a total of 1.3 trillion won ($1 billion) in fostering more than 200 startups since 2017, including those started by our own employees," said Hwang Yun-seong, head of the Open Innovation Investment team at Hyundai Motor Group, during the event on Thursday. The investments in these startups, both local and overseas, were made via Hyundai Cradle, the company's unit focused on identifying and investing in innovative start-ups, whose Korean base is called ZER01NE. "Our goal is to make this a win-win game by actively investing in start-ups that create new customer value and also offer us important insights in the process of cooperation," Hwang added. Of the total investment, 753.7 billion won went to mobility firms while 281.8 billion won went to electrification companies. A further 126.2 billion won was spent on startups developing connectivity while 60 billion won was invested in artificial intelligence (AI) and 54 billion won in autonomous driving technology. Massive investments in overseas startups like Boston Dynamics and Motional were not included in the title. Five local startups were introduced during the event: Mobinn, MobilTech, which has developed self-driving technology, Metaverse Entertainment, an agency with virtual pop artists and influencers, ViewMagine, which develops AI drones, and Aplayz, an AI-based music service that automatically suggests music to users based on their location, mood, personality and even the weather and time. Mobinn's delivery robot has wheels made of lightweight rubber, enabling it to freely navigate stairs. In April's test run at an apartment complex in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi, in cooperation with the convenience store chain CU, Mobinn delivery robots took 11 minutes on average to complete their deliveries, which was nearly 20 minutes quicker than deliveries made by humans. "We have already spoken with the Korea Road Traffic Authority to launch the robot as a flag person by the end of the year," said Choi Jin, CEO of Mobinn. "And we aim to introduce it as a patrol officer by the end of next year." "In the beginning, it was a very minor idea I brought up during a meeting as a Hyundai employee," Choi added. "But we made it all the way from there to here thanks to Hyundai's support not only in terms of finance but also technology." Each of the selected start-ups will be offered 300 million won in aid from Hyundai Motor. The start-ups will have a year to develop their business, and the automaker will then decide whether to spin them off and if so, win a further 100 million won grant. Meanwhile, ViewMagine's VODA service allows companies to detect defects on their building walls using an AI drone in tandem with data analysis technology. "It takes four days for a human to inspect the building exterior, but with the drone, it only takes half a day," said ViewMagine CEO Kim Do-yeop. Its client list includes Hyundai Engineering and Construction and Hoban Construction, as well as an unnamed Japanese company. A total of 30 startups have been spun off from Hyundai so far, generating a total of 280 billion won in sales and creating more than 800 new jobs. Hyundai vowed to invest further in startups, mainly in the "software, low-carbon, semiconductor, and AI sectors," Hwang added. Source: https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/2023/06/15/business/industry/Korea-hyundai-mobinn/20230615165852370.html 


[News Article] Korean airlines step up efforts to attract travelers with pets

Korean airlines step up efforts to attract travelers with pets   Pulse by Maeil Business - As the number of South Koreans traveling with their pets grows, airlines are stepping up their marketing efforts to attract these so-called petfam travelers. According to a report by Korean Air Lines Co. on Monday, the total number of international and domestic flights with pets in the cabin last year totaled 28,240. That’s a 12.1 percent increase compared with 2019, the year before the Covid-19 pandemic. Asiana Airlines Inc. had 18,364 such cases last year, up nearly 4 percent from 2019. Petfam is a combination of the words, pet and family. Low-cost carriers (LCCs) have seen a steep increase in the number of petfam customers. In fact, JejuAir Co. nearly tripled its pet transportation volume to 27,230 last year from just over 7,000 in 2019. The number of international and domestic passengers fell to 55.83 million last year from 123.37 million in 2019 due to the pandemic. Despite this, airlines are stepping up their marketing efforts to target petfams, as the number of boardings with pets has increased significantly. Korean Air Lines operates the Sky Pets service, which allows passengers to register their pets and collect stamps each time they travel with their pets to receive discount or free boarding. JejuAir launched a similar Pet Pass service last week. Asiana Airlines is offering a kit of food and treats for customers traveling with their dogs on board its aircraft until Sept. 25. T’way Air Co. also offers a commemorative boarding pass for pets. However, airlines have been cautious about increasing the number of seats available for pets. Korean Air Lines has only four seats for petfams available on its superjumbo A380, one in business class and three in economy. Asiana Airlines has 11 seats on the same aircraft. JejuAir increased the maximum number of pets per flight from three to six at the end of 2021 but is not considering further expansion. Source: https://pulsenews.co.kr/view.php?year=2023&no=445316 
