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[News Article] CJ대한통운 창립 93주년…"초격차 기술로 글로벌 물류시장 선도"

CJ대한통운 창립 93주년…"초격차 기술로 글로벌 물류시장 선도"  연합뉴스 전성훈 기자 - CJ대한통운이 창립 93주년을 맞아 국내를 넘어 글로벌 기업으로 도약하겠다는 의지를 다졌다. 14일 CJ대한통운에 따르면 강신호 대표는 지난 8일 서울 종로 신사옥에서 열린 창립 기념식에서 치열함, 응집력, 역동성의 조직문화를 강조하면서 "월드클래스 기술로 글로벌 물류시장을 선도하자"고 주문했다. 강 대표는 "CJ대한통운 통합 법인으로 출발한 지 올해가 10년이 되는 해"라면서 "매년 최대 실적을 경신하며 국내 물류시장을 선도해온 임직원들의 노고에 깊이 감사한다"고 말했다. 이어 "지금까지 쌓아온 물류 헤리티지를 이어 나가기 위해 각 사업의 혁신성장 로드맵을 바탕으로 CJ대한통운만의 초격차 역량을 공고히 하고 이를 통해 고객에게 혁신적이고 차별화한 물류 서비스 경험을 제공하자"고 강조했다. CJ대한통운은 테크놀로지·엔지니어링·시스템&솔루션(TES)을 기반으로 인공지능(AI), 로봇, 데이터 등을 접목한 첨단 물류 시스템을 구축했다. 사우디아라비아와 미국에 물류 거점을 확보하고 방산, 배터리, 수소 등으로 물류 영역을 확대하는 등 해외·미래 사업에서 성과를 냈다. 최근에는 글로벌 물류의 미래 성장 동력으로 주목받는 초국경 택배 시장을 선점하고자 다방면의 투자를 진행하고 있다. CJ대한통운은 1930년 11월 '조선미곡창고'라는 이름으로 창립한 국내 가장 오래된 종합물류기업이다. 광복과 전후(戰後) 산업화 시기를 거치며 대한민국 물류 근대화를 이끌었다는 평가를 받는다. 2013년에는 CJ그룹 물류 통합법인으로 새 출발해 올해로 10년을 맞았다. 10년 새 매출은 3조8천억원에서 12조1천307억원으로, 영업이익은 641억원에서 4천118억원으로 각각 3배, 6배 이상 성장했다. 출처: https://www.yna.co.kr/view/AKR20231114049400030?input=1179m 


[News Article] 한국씨티은행, 서울시와 함께 ‘개인 컵 사용의 날’ 운영

한국씨티은행, 서울시와 함께 ‘개인 컵 사용의 날’ 운영   서울경제 신한나 기자 - 한국씨티은행이 서울시 및 에코허브와 함께 ‘개인 컵 사용의 날(텀블러 데이)’ 행사를 진행했다고 16일 밝혔다. 한국씨티은행은 이날 종로구 한국씨티은행 본점에서 개인 컵을 지참한 임직원과 인근 시민들에게 각종 음료를 무료로 제공하고 씨앗 화분을 나눠주는 등의 행사를 진행했다. 이번 행사는 서울시에서 처음 시행하는 ‘제1호 개인 컵·다회용 컵 사용 촉진지구(광화문에코존) 동행단’ 활동의 일환이다. 금융권에서는 한국씨티은행이 최초로 참여했다. 한국씨티은행은 2021년부터 환경·사회·지배구조(ESG) 협의회를 중심으로 개인 컵 이용하기, 종이 사용 줄이기 등 일상에서 실천할 수 있는 다양한 친환경 활동들을 실천하고 있다. 유명순 한국씨티은행장은 “서울시가 시행하는 ‘제1호 개인 컵, 다회용 컵 사용 촉진 지구 동행단’에 금융권 최초로 참여하게 돼 더욱 뜻깊은 행사였다”며 “지역사회와 함께 성장할 수 있는 다양한 대내외 활동을 꾸준히 실천해 나가며 당행의 ESG 경영이 모범적으로 정착할 수 있도록 지속적으로 노력하겠다”고 말했다. 출처: https://www.sedaily.com/NewsView/29X9BN4GVP 


[News Article] MSD, 청년 장애 인재들과 다양성과 포용 문화 위해 머리 맞대

MSD, 청년 장애 인재들과 다양성과 포용 문화 위해 머리 맞대메디포뉴스 노영희 기자 - 한국MSD(대표이사 김 알버트)는 고용노동부와 대한상공회의소가 주관하고 퍼솔켈리코리아가 운영하는 ‘청년 장애인 일경험 프로그램’에 참여, 10월 11일부터 11월 14일까지 5주간 청년 장애인 인재의 직무역량 강화를 위한 멘토링, 실습 및 기업 탐방 기회를 제공했다. 또한 한국MSD의 내년도 ‘다양성과 포용 경험의 달’ 행사에 이들의 다양한 관점과 아이디어를 반영할 것이라고 15일 밝혔다.   퍼솔켈리코리아의 ‘청년 장애인 일경험 프로그램: 취업성공 부스터 BTS(Booster for Talent’s Success)’는 우수한 역량의 청년 장애인 인재를 발굴하고, 양질의 고용 환경이 갖춰진 기업과 맞춤형 일경험을 연계하는 프로그램이다. 궁극적으로 지속 고용의 가능성을 엶과 동시에 다양한 장애에 대한 이해도를 높여 사회의 다양성을 인정하고 포용하는 문화를 만든다는 취지다.  한국MSD는 ‘다양성, 형평성, 그리고 포용(Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, DE&I)’의 문화를 추구하는 대표적인 기업으로서, 청년 장애인 일경험 프로그램 취지에 공감하며 3기 기업으로 동참했다.   특히 한국MSD의 DE&I 위원회 직원들이 자발적으로 7명의 참여 청년들을 위해 ‘누구나 능력을 발휘할 수 있다’는 뜻의 ‘cAN (capABILITY Network) 인턴십’ 프로젝트를 진행했다는 점에서 의미 깊다. 프로젝트의 일환으로, 참가 청년들은 MSD가 전 세계 지사에서 매년 9월 진행하는 ‘다양성과 포용 경험의 달’ 행사의 테마와 프로그램 아이디어를 제안했다. 회사는 9회 째가 되는 내년도 행사에 이를 적극 반영할 계획이다.  참가 청년들은 11월 7일과 14일 두 차례에 걸쳐 한국MSD 서울사무소(서울시 중구 한강대로)에서 실제 업무 현장과 직업 환경을 체험하는 시간을 가졌으며, 14일 프로젝트 실습 발표 및 수료식에서는 우수 아이디어가 선정됐다.  퍼솔켈리 관계자는 수료식에서 “이번 참가자 대부분 직무 능력과 취업 자신감 향상에 큰 도움을 받았다고 소감을 전했으며 과정의 80% 이상 이수하는 등 성공적으로 프로그램을 마쳤다”고 말했다.  김알버트 한국 MSD 대표이사는 “누구나 사회에서 역량을 발휘할 수 있는 고용 환경 정착을 위한 노력에 동참하게 되어 뜻깊고, 이와 같은 협력이 장애인 동료에 대한 직장 내 인식 향상에도 기여할 것이라 기대한다”며, “한국MSD는 직원 모두가 서로의 다양성을 존중하고, 다양한 관점을 포용하는 조직문화 속에서 성장할 수 있도록 노력해 나갈 것”이라고 전했다.  한국MSD는 임직원 모두가 스스로 가치 있고 존중받는다고 느낄 수 있는 ‘다양성, 형평성, 그리고 포용(Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, DE&I)’ 문화를 추구한다. 이를 위해 직원 주도의 DE&I 위원회를 운영하며, 위원회는 한국에서의 다양성의 의미를 반영한 여러 네트워크로 구성돼 있다.   이번 ‘cAN 인턴십’을 기획한 ‘capABILITY 네트워크’는 서로 다른 능력을 가진 동료를 존중하는 문화를 만들기 위해 사내 장애인 인식 개선 등에 힘쓰고 있다. 이외에도 ‘여성 네트워크(Women’s Network)’, ‘세대 네트워크(Next Generation Network)’ 등에서 직원들이 DE&I 문화에 관심을 갖고 생각을 넓힐 수 있는 활동을 적극적으로 이어가는 중이다.  출처: https://www.medifonews.com/news/article.html?no=184864


[News Article] Hyundai Motor breaks ground for Korea's first EV plant in Ulsan

Hyundai Motor breaks ground for Korea's first EV plant in Ulsan   BY SARAH CHEA, Korea JoongAng Daily - Ground was broken Monday for Hyundai Motor’s 2 trillion won ($1.5 billion) electric vehicle factory in Ulsan as the automaker accelerates the shift to electrification despite the faltering global demand for EVs.  It will be the first EV-dedicated plant in Korea and the world’s third-largest automaker’s first domestic automotive manufacturing plant in 29 years since the last one was built in Asan, South Chungcheong, in 1996. Situated on a 548,000-square-meter site in Ulsan, the plant will have 200,000 annual capacity. Construction will finish in 2025, with mass production planned to start in the first quarter of 2026. GV90, Genesis’s large-size electric SUV, will be the first model manufactured in the Ulsan factory.  “The new EV-dedicated plant in Ulsan is the beginning of a promising future for the next 50 years and the era of electrification,” Hyundai Motor Group Executive Chair Euisun Chung said Monday at the groundbreaking ceremony. “A half-century ago, in Korea, a wasteland for automobiles, Hyundai Motor succeeded in developing our independent model and internalizing equipment and auto parts,” Chung said. “The accumulated technology in Ulsan nourished us to build factories overseas in countries like the United States and India, which helped Hyundai to take a leap forward to become a global brand.”  Hyundai Motor said the Ulsan plant will prioritize the safety and convenience of their employees by applying an innovative manufacturing platform including demand-driven, AI-based intelligent control systems. A smart logistics system will be applied, including automated parts logistics, which will help it diversify vehicle models, respond to global market changes and automate Assembly facilities to improve productivity and quality.  Solar power panels and upcycled concrete panels will be applied to the building facade, making it a sustainable plant that minimizes carbon emissions. Chung emphasized the new EV plant builds on the vision of Hyundai's founder Chung Ju-yung, who believed the car industry would become the cornerstone of the Korean economy and underpin the country’s industrial development. More than half a century ago, he chose Ulsan as the place to help create a better outlook and realize Korea’s mobility dreams. Now, the new EV plant will build on that legacy with a global impact, Hyundai said. “We have the world's greatest strength, and that strength is the world’s best craftsmen,” the late founder Chung said in a video reproduced through AI. “I am confident that thanks to their ability and dedication, Korean cars, our cars, will soon take the world by storm.” Hyundai also opened an exhibition presenting the heritage of Hyundai's journey that included a display of a restored Cortina, the first vehicle produced at the Ulsan plant. The exhibition will be open to the public from January next year. Hyundai’s new EV plant comes despite many global automakers like General Motors and Ford announcing a halt or delay in their EV investment amid the slowing demand for EVs. “EV demand will constantly grow in a broad framework, so Hyundai Motor will bend the rules to [proceed with the investment],” Chung said. Hyundai is also building a $5 billion EV plant in Georgia, which will start mass production in late 2024.    General Motors recently said it will delay the production at its joint battery plant with LG Energy Solution in Tennessee by a few months. The Tennessee plant in Spring Hill, which was set to become operational at the end of the year, will start operation early next year. The U.S. automaker also withdrew its target of producing 400,000 EVs by the first half of next year amid the weak demand. Ford also said it will delay the operation at its Kentucky plant — a joint venture with SK On — amid weakening EV sales. Tesla CEO Elon Musk hinted at a possible delay in the construction of a plant in Mexico and the mass production of its Cybertrucks after it reported a 44 percent fall in net profit in the third quarter compared to a year earlier. Source:https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2023-11-13/business/industry/Hyundai-Motor-breaks-ground-for-Koreas-first-EV-plant-in-Ulsan/1911582 


[News Article] Blockchain developers gather in Seoul for annual Upbit D Conference

Blockchain developers gather in Seoul for annual Upbit D Conference   BY JIN MIN-JI, The Korea Herald - Dunamu, which operates Upbit, Korea’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, hosted its annual Upbit D Conference (UDC) in Seoul on Monday. The conference, which carried the slogan “All That Blockchain,” brought blockchain developers together to discuss their industry's potential and examine the changes their technology has brought to daily life. The D in UDC stands for the words developer, digital asset and decentralized. "The UDC has has grown popular, as the core topics shared and participating companies have expanded from technologies [into other sectors], along with the event's continued growth and changes in the social situations," said Dunamu Chairman Song Chi-hyung in the opening speech. Song added that the UDC has grown into a comprehensive event alongside the expanded influence of blockchain across economy, culture and society. “UDC, hosted by Dunamu every year since 2018, is an event we hold with a sense of duty in a bid to activate and contribute to commercialize Korea’s blockchain ecosystem." At the one-day event, which is in its sixth year, 39 blockchain experts shared their insights into blockchain’s applications across finance and entertainment as well as policy and regulations at the Grand Walkerhill Seoul in Gwangjin District, eastern Seoul. Speakers included CoinDesk Executive Director Emily Parker and SK Telecom Executive Vice President Oh Se-hyeon. Some 3,700 individuals signed up to attend this year's UDC, an increase from the 3,000 people who attended last year's two-day event, which took place in the southern port city of Busan. Three keynote speakers — Matt Sorg, head of technology at Solana Foundation, Jide Fashola, head of technical integrations at Cardano Foundation and Bitcoin.com founder Roger Ver — discussed various aspects of blockchain technology, including its sustainability, its integrations with AI and its applications in finance. “The future of finance is leaving the past in the dust,” said Ver in his UDC keynote speech titled “Breaking Chains with Blockchains: Cryptocurrencies and the Pursuit of Freedom.” “What might take a bank a whole week to perform, blockchains settle in minutes,” Ver said, adding that cryptocurrency makes global finance more effective by allowing any individuals, regardless of qualifications, to make transactions without an intermediary. Sorg touched on the ways in which blockchain technology can strengthen AI, while Fashola discussed the industry’s environmentally friendly advancements. This year’s event included both online and offline sessions. Speakers in the online session included The Sandbox co-founder Sebastien Borget, EOS Network Foundation founder and CEO Yves La Rose and Jun Song, Dunamu's synergy team project lead. The blockchain industry went through a cryptocurrency winter last year, when the value of popular cryptocurrencies declined precipitously amid a series of dramatic events such as the bankruptcy of Bahamas-based cryptocurrency exchange FTX and the crash of Luna, which was once among the top 10 largest cryptocurrencies in the world by total market capitalization. The market has improved since, data from Korea have shown. The country’s virtual asset market capitalization increased 46 percent in the first half of the year compared to the previous half-year term, driven by the rebound in cryptocurrency prices and investor sentiment, according to the financial regulator. “Dunamu will play a key role in putting a spotlight on and expanding the blockchain ecosystem on diverse levels through the UDC,” said the company. Source:https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2023-11-13/business/finance/Blockchain-developers-gather-in-Seoul-for-annual-Upbit-D-Conference/1911858 


[News Article] Google Cloud focuses on Korea's enterprise generative AI market

Google Cloud focuses on Korea's enterprise generative AI market By Baek Byung-yeul, The Korea Times - Google Cloud is strengthening the enterprise generative AI market in Korea with its enterprise AI platform Vertex AI at a time when many enterprise customers are considering adapting the emerging technology to improve productivity and create new business models, according to the head of the U.S. tech giant’s Korean unit, Tuesday. Google Cloud’s Vertex AI is designed to enable Korean businesses to use generative AI services independently, while storing customer data in Korean territory instead of overseas. This allows customers to use the service without worrying about data leakage and to comply with regulations more easily, according to Kang Hyoung-jun, managing director at Google Cloud Korea. "Through Vertex AI, customers can start their data residency in Korea. Customers can control generative AI support for Vertex AI data stored in Korea,” Kang told reporters during a press conference held on the sidelines of the Google Cloud Summit Seoul 2023 event. "Customers often ask us if we are taking their data and using it for our own business. To address these concerns, Google Cloud is the first global cloud operator to open a residency in Korea.” During the summit, Google Cloud announced that it will support customers using the generative AI features in Vertex AI to store their data in 10 global regions, including Seoul. As demand for enterprise generative AI services increases worldwide, corporate demand for control over data storage location is also increasing, the company said. Especially as data sovereignty and regulatory requirements are strengthened, demand is expanding to ensure data residency so as to protect their own data and comply with regulations in each country. The managing director said that Google Cloud's mission is to be a partner in the process of strengthening the capabilities of all businesses and achieving innovation in their businesses through digital transformation. "This year, generative AI seems to have completely decorated the IT industry. Many IT companies say that it is difficult to have a business budget excluding generative AI, and they are actually devoted to this sector," he said. At the summit, Google Cloud executives, as well as domestic partners and customer companies, shared how they are shortening the time to realize business value through generative AI. Google Cloud also introduced how its platform supports companies in content creation, information organization and integration, process automation and customer experience building. NCSOFT, one of the partner companies, revealed that it developed its large language model (LLM) VARCO based on Google Cloud's data analytics and deep learning hardware Tensor Processing Unit (TPU). "We launched our own LLM VARCO in August of this year, and VARCO helps to improve productivity in all areas. We collaborated with Google Cloud to launch it, and it was designed to work without errors when updating games regularly," said Lee Yeon-soo, head of game company NCSOFT's language AI lab NLP Center, adding that the language model was able to achieve faster learning speeds and improved economic efficiency through Google Cloud's TPU. Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/11/129_363178.html 


[News Article] Hyundai stands as No. 2 EV player in US market despite IRA

Hyundai stands as No. 2 EV player in US market despite IRA   The Korea Times - Korea's Hyundai Motor Group stands as the second-largest player in the U.S. market for electric vehicles (EVs) despite concerns surrounding Washington's protectionism policy, data showed Sunday. Hyundai Motor Co. took up 4.8 percent of the U.S. EV market in the January-September period, with its smaller co-affiliate Kia accounting for 2.7 percent, according to U.S. magazine Automotive News. Their combined market share came to 7.5 percent, or 64,000 vehicles, taking up the second-largest slice of the U.S. EV market following Tesla, which posted a 57.4 percent share, or 489,000 vehicles. General Motors' Chevrolet brand accounted for 5.9 percent, followed by Ford Motor with 5.5 percent. In the first nine months, overall EV registrations in the U.S. jumped 61 percent year-on-year to 852,904, the data said. Automotive News expected EV registrations in the world's most important car market will exceed 1 million for the first time this year if EV sales continue to rise despite the slowing pace of growth. Hyundai's latest performance came amid the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), which provides tax credits of up to $7,500 to purchasers of electric vehicles that are assembled in North America. Currently, all Hyundai and Kia EVs sold in the North American market are manufactured in South Korea, making them ineligible to receive the credits. Nevertheless, their products can qualify for the support when used for commercial purposes, such as leasing. (Yonhap) Source: https://koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/11/419_363054.html 


[News Article] Renault Korea to produce Polestar's EVs in 2025

Renault Korea to produce Polestar's EVs in 2025   By Baek Byung-yeul, The Korea Times - Renault Korea will produce Swedish electric vehicle maker Polestar’s upcoming EV Polestar 4 at its plant in Busan starting in 2025, as the collaboration between their parent companies – Renault Group and China’s Geely Group – has expanded from joint vehicle development to production, according to the Korean unit of the French automaker, Friday. Renault Korea said it will beging producing the pure electric SUV by the second half of 2025 as an agreement has been reached between Polestar, Geely Holding and Renault Korea. Polestar is a joint venture between Geely and Volvo Cars specializing in EVs. Under the agreement, the Polestar 4, which made its debut at the Shanghai International Automobile Industry Exhibition last April, will be produced in China for the Chinese market and vehicles produced in Busan will be sold in the Korean and North American markets. Renault Korea’s Busan plant employs around 2,000 employees and is located close to a port, making it easy to export the EVs. It is also one of Renault’s best-performing factories all over the world in terms of quality, Renault Korea said. Since Geely acquired a 34.02 percent stake in Renault Korea last year, the two have been expanding their cooperation. In addition to producing the Polestar 4, Renault Korea is scheduled to produce its hybrid electric SUV next year, which is based on a platform developed by Volvo and Geely. “Polestar 4 will be the first full Electric Vehicle SUV produced in the Busan plant, symbolizing Renault Korea Motors renewal and our ambitious vision for the future. We are very proud of this new partnership and grateful to the Polestar brand for their trust,” Stephane Deblaise, CEO of Renault Korea, said. “From a wider perspective, we see further opportunities for Renault Korea Motors in the near future, thanks to our strong shareholders, Renault Group and Geely Group.” Polestar CEO Thomas Ingenlath also said: “We’re very happy to take the next step in diversifying our manufacturing footprint together with Geely Holding and Renault Korea Motors, a company that shares our focus on both quality and sustainability.” Renault Korea’s Busan plant has a maximum annual production capacity of 300,000 but has not exceeded 200,000 units in the past three years. The number of capacity only increased last year when it started producing the hybrid XM3. The specific production scale of the Polestar’s EV to be produced from 2025 has not been released yet. Source: https://koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/11/419_362958.html 


[News Article] CJ Logistics aims to operate global hub for cross-border e-commerce

CJ Logistics aims to operate global hub for cross-border e-commerceLee Yoon-seo, The Korea Herald - At CJ Logistics' Global Distribution Center, a total of 140 red, box-shaped robots with four wheels zoom across rows of stacked-up bins. The robot then drops down wires and hoists up a bin filled with goods. Carrying the bin, the robot scurries along the metal railings, transporting the bin to the packaging station, where an employee selects a set number of items from the bin to pack into a box for delivery. The robot then bustles back again and heads for another bin, repeating the procedure. The process is a part of the logistics firm’s automated logistics system, dubbed “Auto-Store,” which aims to maximize efficiency by having the machines bring the goods to the employees, instead of having human workers search for the items themselves. "Traditionally, distribution centers stored items on fixed steel shelves. However, by piling the bins of items on top of each other, we learned we could increase storage efficiency by four times," said Lee Kyung-jin, CJ Logistics’ head of cross-border e-commerce business, during a media tour held at the distribution center Thursday. "Auto-Store is currently responsible for transporting some 10,000 boxes daily, and is in its final testing phase. We estimate that the system will be launched for full operation in December and that it will largely buoy our productivity," he said. In a separate part of the facility, boxes marked with barcodes are constantly being scanned as they are transported on conveyor belts. Based on data stored in the barcodes, the boxes are automatically moved across the black belts until they come to a stop in front of an employee, who fills the boxes up with goods. The process is a part of another one of CJ Logistics' automated logistics system, named the “Quick Picking System.” "Instead of the person-to-goods method, which obligates workers to find the goods, we are implementing a method which allows items to find the workers on their own," said Lee. "Such a system is maximizing productivity and work convenience. By simultaneously operating the QPS and Auto-Store, we expect to improve the overall operational efficiency by 1.5 times," he said. CJ Logistics' invention of the automated logistics processes came as the firm aimed to ramp up its capabilities for making cross-border deliveries, the firm said. "CJ Logistics designated its new future core growth engine as the cross border e-commerce business. The CBE business is growing at a fast rate globally, especially in the Asian region," said Min Kwang-sung, the company’s head of CBE business development. According to England-based logistics market research firm Transport Intelligence, the global CBE logistics market is estimated to reach $134 billion by 2026, recording an 83.5 percent increase from the market value logged in 2021. "As the market for cross-border logistics is expected to increase, the competition is fierce to establish GDCs -- which function as a hub for international deliveries," Min said. Currently, CJ Logistics' GDC in Incheon operates as a hub that stores and ships products from a US-based health products shopping mall, iHerb, to neighboring markets, including Japan, Singapore, Australia and Kazakhstan. "In the past, global e-commerce companies made large-scale investments and directly (delivered goods) to overseas markets. However, they now prefer to operate efficient GDCs in countries that have the potential to serve as transportation hubs," said Min. "Based on CJ Logistics' overwhelming GDC operation capabilities, the firm will further strengthen its trans-border courier service that overcomes temporal and spatial constraints," Lee said. Source: https://news.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20231112000114 
