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[Interview Article] Ecolab helps Korean partners profit from ESG management

[INTERVIEW] Ecolab helps Korean partners profit from ESG management U.S. firm vows continuous investments in Korea   By Park Jae-hyuk, The Korea Times - Concerns are growing recently that management focusing on environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) factors is losing steam globally, as the lingering inflation and high-interest rates have caused uncertainties in the business environment. In contrast to the enthusiasm for ESG management a few years ago, investors and policymakers also appear to be putting less emphasis on efforts for sustainability. Ryu Yang-kwon, market head of Korea at Ecolab, however, told The Korea Times in a recent interview that ESG management can be durable, although the recent economic slowdown made it difficult for companies to take care of the environment and fulfill their social responsibilities. “For the trend of ESG management to be sustained, corporate efforts to overcome the climate crisis and various other problems should lead to profits,” said Ryu, who also co-chairs the American Chamber of Commerce in Korea’s (AMCHAM) ESG committee and serves as a director of the Korea Business Council for Sustainable Development. “If we increase examples of companies that create both social and economic values, I believe more companies will follow the trend.” With a solution called eROI (exponential return on investment), Ecolab has helped its customers achieve business and environmental goals and manage potential risks, according to the Korean office head. Although the company’s name could be unfamiliar to consumers, the century-old U.S. firm has tried to live up to its corporate identity as an “ESG solution provider,” given that it is the world’s leading company in water, hygiene and infection prevention services. “Our business can be defined simply as ‘protecting important things,’” Ryu said. In Korea, Ecolab provides services to around 10,000 companies. “A domestic steelmaker was able to reduce 340,000 tons of water consumption and 33,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually, after applying our smart factory solution that improves process efficiency and our digital platform named Ecolab3DTM, which allows users to check the efficiency of their factories in real time and take necessary measures,” Ryu said. “An oil refiner here also reduced over 2 billion won ($1.5 million) worth of energy costs and around 40,000 tons of carbon emissions annually, through our solution that removes impurities in crude oil.” Investment in semiconductor sector During President Yoon Suk Yeol’s trip to the U.S. in November for his participation in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, Ecolab joined four U.S. firms that promised to invest a combined $1.16 billion in Korea’s high-tech sectors. The company's investment is intended to build a production facility in Yangsan, South Gyeongsang Province, for high-purity nanoparticles, colloidal silica, an essential ingredient in the production of chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) slurry used as an abrasive in semiconductor manufacturing. Minister of Trade, Industry and Energy Bang Moon-kyu said at that time that the four companies’ investments will greatly contribute to cementing the bilateral alliance in advanced industries and stabilizing Korea’s semiconductor supply chain. This is the first time for Ecolab to build a colloidal silica production facility outside the U.S. “We competed with Ecolab subsidiaries in China, Singapore and Japan,” Ryu said. “The global headquarters chose Korea, considering major Korean chipmakers, such as Samsung Electronics and SK hynix.” Although Ecolab did not disclose the specific amount of its planned investment, Ryu emphasized that the company will gradually increase its investments, even after the new factory starts its operation in 2025, so as to enhance its production capacity. “The factory will target the entire Asia-Pacific market,” he said. “We will export products from the plant and contribute greatly to the Korean economy.” Importance of Korean market The investment plan shows that Ecolab’s global headquarters recognize the importance of the Korean market, according to Ryu. Compared to Ecolab’s other subsidiaries, Ecolab Korea has grown more rapidly. The Ecolab Korea chief anticipated $200 million in revenue this year from domestic market. “Ecolab’s revenue has grown 4 to 5 percent globally every year, but in Korea, it has continuously enjoyed double-digit growth,” he said. “In terms of ESG management, the Korean market outpaces the Japanese market.” On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the global headquarters, Ecolab Korea plans to hold a celebration event in mid-December with its employees. Ryu, who has led Ecolab Korea over the past decade after joining the firm three decades ago, promised that he will do his best for the happiness of the company’s employees. Source: https://koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/12/419_364206.html?da 


[News Article] LG엔솔, 배터리 백과사전 ‘엔솔피디아’ 발간

LG엔솔, 배터리 백과사전 ‘엔솔피디아’ 발간   조선비즈 정재훤 기자 - LG에너지솔루션(429,500원 ▼ 25,000 -5.5%)은 출범 3주년을 맞아 배터리의 원리부터 제조 공정, 글로벌 시장 및 기술 트렌드 등 다양한 정보를 한 권의 책으로 엮은 배터리 백과사전 ‘엔솔피디아(ENSOLPEDIA)’를 내달 1일 공개한다고 밝혔다. ‘100페이지로 읽는 배터리의 모든 것’을 주제로 만들어진 이 책은 대한민국 배터리 산업의 성장을 응원하는 모든 이해관계자에게 배터리에 대해 바르고 정확한 정보를 전달하기 위해 제작됐다. LG에너지솔루션 측은 “배터리 시장에 대한 관심이 어느 때보다 높아졌지만 화학, 소재 용어가 많아 이해에 어려움을 느끼는 분들이 많았던 것이 사실”이라며 “엔솔피디아가 배터리 산업에 대한 이해를 높일 수 있는 핵심 참고서 역할을 할 것으로 기대한다”고 말했다. 엔솔피디아는 12월 1일 오전부터 LG에너지솔루션 홈페이지 및 블로그 ‘배터리인 사이드’에 이북(e-book) 형태로 게시되며 누구나 무료로 내려받을 수 있다. 추후 영어, 중국어, 폴란드어 버전 등으로도 번역·제작해 배포할 계획이다. 출처: https://biz.chosun.com/industry/company/2023/11/30/HOY7IZCE3JAAFOEA6FE3LJC7BE/


[News Article] CJ대한통운, 수익성 안정화 힘입어 해외사업 속도 낸다

CJ대한통운, 수익성 안정화 힘입어 해외사업 속도 낸다  뉴데일리 김보배 기자 - CJ대한통운이 해외사업 확장에 속도를 내고 있다. 현재 사업 수익성이 안정화 궤도에 오르자, 영역을 넓혀 글로벌 종합물류 기업으로 도약한다는 계획이다. 30일 업계에 따르면 CJ대한통운은 인도 계열사 ‘CJ다슬(Darcl)’의 인도 주식시장 상장 절차를 밟고 있다.    최근 인도 증권거래위원회에 상장예비심사청구를 접수했고, 연내 승인이 마무리되면 투자자 설명회와 수요예측 등을 거쳐 IPO(기업공개)를 마무리할 계획이다. 국내 물류기업 해외법인이 인도 주식시장에 상장을 추진하는 사례는 CJ대한통운이 처음이다. CJ대한통운은 지난 2017년 인도 물류기업 다슬 지분 50%를 인수해 ‘CJ다슬’로 사명을 변경하고 인도 물류시장 공략에 본격적으로 나섰다.   CJ다슬은 인도 전역에 187개의 거점을 보유하고, 3000여개 고객사를 대상으로 육상·철도·해상운송, W&D(Warehouse&Distribution), 중량물 프로젝트 물류 등 종합물류서비스를 제공하고 있다. 특히 인도 현지 물류기업 대부분이 지역 기반 영세한 규모로 운영 중인 데 비해 CJ다슬은 전국을 아우르는 육상운송 경쟁력에 철송을 연계한 멀티모달(multimodal·복합운송) 서비스 경쟁력을 갖추고 고성장을 거듭하고 있다.   CJ다슬의 2022년 매출은 6763억원으로 전년 동기 대비 26.7% 늘었고, 당기순이익은 120억원으로 47.9% 증가했다. 인도 정부의 제조업 육성 정책 ‘메이크 인 인디아(Make in India)’ 기반 물류산업 경쟁력이 주목받으면서 CJ다슬의 성장세 더욱 탄력이 붙을 것으로 예상된다.   CJ대한통운은 아울러 ‘기회의 땅’으로 지목되는 중동시장을 겨냥해 사우디아라비아 사업확장에 주력하고 있다. 사우디는 신용카드 사용이 보편화하며 이커머스 시장이 급증하고 있고, 현지 내수시장으로 상품 반입이 가능한 등 제약이 없어 시장 공략이 쉽다.  회사는 사우디 민간항공청과 협력해 내년 하반기 가동을 목표로 600억원을 들여 사우디 ‘글로벌권역물류센터(GDC)’ 구축하는 프로젝트를 진행 중이다. GDC는 상품을 소비자가 거주하는 인접국가 물류센터에 보관하고, 주문 접수 후 신속히 배송하는 시스템이다.   사우디 GDC 구축과 함께 현지 물류기업 ‘비즈 로지스틱스(Beez Logistics)’, 건설·금융·물류 등 다양한 산업군에 걸쳐 51개 계열사를 보유한 네스마(NESMA) 그룹과 손잡는 등 협력 관계도 강화하고 있다.   CJ대한통운은 전형적인 사막형 기후의 사우디에서 비즈 로지스틱스가 보유한 콜드체인 시스템 등 역량을 활용해 맞춤형 배송서비스를 제공할 방침이다. 네스마와는 공동 사업기회를 발굴하고 사우디 신사업 추진 시 서로를 최우선 파트너로 고려하는 등 폭넓게 협력한다는 방침이다.   경쟁사 대비 높은 수익성을 바탕으로 공격적인 해외사업 확장에 나선 것으로 분석된다. CJ대한통운의 연간 영업이익률은 2020년 4%에서 2021년 4.6%, 지난해 4.8% 등 지속 성장해 올 3분기 누적 기준 6.1%를 기록했다. 경쟁사 영업이익률이 1%대에 그치는 점에 비춰 두드러진 성과다.  수익성이 높은 소형택배 중심 영업력을 강화하고, 인프라 운영 구조 개선을 통한 원가 효율화로 수익성을 끌어 올린 효과로 풀이된다. 2018년 곤지암 허브터미널 완공, 2020년 소형 택배 자동화 설비 MP(Multi Point) 구축, 2021년 이천 MP 허브터미널 자동화 설비 증축 등 선제적 투자 기반 안정적 수익구조가 정착했다는 평가가 나온다.   CJ대한통운은 올해로 창립 93주년을 맞았다. 로봇, AI, 데이터 기반의 TES(Technology, Engineering, Systems & Solutions) 기술 역량을 바탕으로 글로벌 물류 시장에서도 지위를 굳건히 다진다는 구상이다.  강신호 CJ대한통운 대표는 “넓은 내수를 바탕으로 풍부한 성장 잠재력을 갖춘 인도와 사우디는 가장 중요한 글로벌 전략 거점”이라며 “TES 초격차기술 로드맵을 바탕으로 혁신성장을 한층 가속화, 명실상부한 글로벌 리딩 물류기업으로 도약할 것”이라고 말했다.   출처: https://biz.newdaily.co.kr/site/data/html/2023/11/30/2023113000147.html


[News Article] Posco completes Korea’s first lithium hydroxide plant

Posco completes Korea’s first lithium hydroxide plant   By Shim Woo-hyun, The Korea Herald - Posco Holdings said Wednesday that the steel giant has completed the construction of the country’s first lithium hydroxide factory, a move to strengthen its competitiveness in the global lithium race. The new facility is located within the Yulchon Industrial Complex in Suncheon, South Jeolla Province. The plant can annually produce 21,500 metric tons of lithium hydroxide, one of the key components used for batteries for electric vehicles. The plant is owned by Posco-Pilbara Lithium Solution, a joint venture founded in 2021 between Posco Group and its partner Pilbara Minerals, an Australian lithium miner that supplies lithium ores to Posco. “Posco-Pilbara Lithium Solution will build another lithium hydroxide plant right next to the first plant by 2024 to double the production capacity to 43,000 tons per year,” a Posco Holdings official said. The increased capacity is enough to produce about 1 million EVs. The official added that the planned production is also expected to enjoy incentives under the US Inflation Reduction Act as the whole process from securing materials to production occurs in countries with free trade agreements with the US. Posco said it aims to ramp up its production capacity of lithium hydroxide from lithium ores to 220,000 tons by 2030. “The group is in discussions with its Canadian partner to build additional lithium hydroxide plants in the future,” the official said. Adding to that, Posco also plans to build new plants that can produce lithium hydroxide by using resources from lithium brines in Argentina. Its ultimate goal is producing a combined 423,000 tons of lithium hydroxide, extracted from lithium ores, brines and other sources, and by 2030. On the day, Posco also announced that the group has completed the construction of a nonoriented electrical steel (NO) plant in its steel complex in Gwangyang, South Jeolla Province, as part of the group’s move to meet the increasing demand for the steel product used for EVs. According to Posco Holdings, the plant can produce 150,000 tons of NOs, as a motor core material. The group is planning on building another NO plant with the same production capacity by 2024. With 100,000 tons of NO production capacity of its Pohang NO plant, the group will have a total of 400,000 tons of NO production capacity by 2024, Posco Holdings added. Source: https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20231129000749 


[News Article] 대한항공, 한국서비스품질지수(KS-SQI) 항공사 부문 2년 연속 ‘1위’ 선정

대한항공, 한국서비스품질지수(KS-SQI) 항공사 부문 2년 연속 ‘1위’ 선정  디스커버리뉴스 정기환 기자 - 대한항공이 한국표준협회가 실시한 2023년 한국서비스품질지수(KS-SQI·Korean Standard-Service Quality Index) 하반기 조사에서 항공사(국제선) 부문 2년 연속 1위를 기록했다. 올해로 24회째를 맞은 KS-SQI는 2000년 한국표준협회와 서울대학교 경영연구소가 공동으로 개발한 서비스품질평가 모델이다. 국내 서비스기업의 제품 또는 서비스를 경험한 고객을 대상으로 서비스품질에 대한 만족 정도를 나타내는 종합 지표다. 대한항공은 코로나19 엔데믹 전환 이후 늘어나는 해외여행 수요에 발맞춘 차별화된 서비스로 고객별 니즈를 폭넓게 충족시켰다는 점에서 우수한 평가를 받았다. 특히 KS-SQI 조사항목을 구성하는 여덟 가지 차원별 점수 가운데 정확성, 전문성, 진정성, 친절성, 적극성, 이용편리성, 외형성 차원에서 타 항공사 대비 상대적으로 높은 평가점수를 얻었다. 실제로 대한항공은 다양해진 고객 수요에 적극 대응하고 있다. 대한항공은 올해 3월부터 제철 식재료를 활용한 ‘한국식 채식 메뉴’(Vegan Menu)를 개발해 도입하고 유명 소믈리에와 협력해 기내용 신규 와인 52종을 선정했다. 또한 국제선 프레스티지 클래스 승객을 대상으로 ‘기내식 사전 주문 서비스’도 도입해 하늘 위의 만찬을 즐길 수 있도록 했다. 올해 6월부터는 국제선 기내 와이파이 서비스를 제공하고 있다. 보잉737-8 항공기가 운항하는 국제선 노선을 시작으로 에어버스 A321neo, 보잉787 등 다양한 기종으로 확대, 순차적으로 국제선 전 노선에서 서비스를 제공할 계획이다. 대한항공은 고객들이 보다 쉽고 편하게 마일리지를 사용할 수 있도록 마일리지 사용처도 확대했다. 대한항공은 마일리지로 생활 속에 필요한 물건을 구매할 수 있는 ‘스카이패스 딜’(SKYPASS Deal) 기획전을 올해 10월 말과 12월 말 두차례 운영한다. 이 외에도 대한항공은 ▲교보문고 ▲기내면세점 등 마일리지 사용처를 지속적으로 확대하고 있다. 장성현 대한항공 마케팅/IT, 객실 및 서비스 부문 부사장은 “이번 1위 선정은 고객 관점에서 서비스 개선점을 찾고, 고객 감동을 위해 부단히 노력해 온 점을 인정받은 결과라고 생각한다”라며 “앞으로도 고객과 소통하면서 서비스품질을 향상하기 위해 최선을 다하겠다”고 밝혔다. 출처: https://www.discoverynews.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=1036565 


[News Article] Hyundai Motor unveils universal wheel drive system

Hyundai Motor unveils universal wheel drive system By Lee Min-hyung, The Korea Times - Hyundai Motor has unveiled its universal wheel drive system by placing major driving parts inside a wheel, dramatically increasing the potential indoor space for electric vehicles (EV), the company said Tuesday. The so-called "UNI WHEEL" is in its initial development phase, but the carmaker believes it will become a game changer for future mobility here and abroad. The company applied for eight patents for the new wheel system in Korea and other key markets in the United States and Europe. Under the system, key driving components, such as constant velocity joints and drive shafts, are placed inside the wheel, maximizing potential interior space for passengers or extra batteries. If the expanded space is used to carry an additional battery, vehicles equipped with the UNI WHEEL system will be capable of driving for longer without charging, according to Hyundai. “We are pleased to unveil innovative ideas that can serve as a game changer in the future mobility market,” Park Jong-sool, a senior researcher at Hyundai Motor, told reporters during a tech conference. “Hyundai Motor and Kia will do their best to enhance their technological skills, so customers enjoy new and fresh mobility experiences.” But the carmaker did not confirm when exactly it will be commercialized. “We have just completed the second developmental phase, so it appears too early for us to discuss the timeline for its commercialization,” Park said. “Two separate motors are used to realize the UNI WHEEL system, so the price of vehicles with it will be higher than conventional ones with one motor. We forecast the system will be applied to luxury or high-end vehicles first because of the price.” Most EV batteries have so far been placed at the bottom of vehicles, and in most cases, indoor space is reduced in line with battery volume. But EVs equipped with UNI WHEEL will help maximize space efficiency for carmakers, according to Hyundai. The system can also be used for other types of mobility, such as wheelchairs, bicycles and delivery robots, as the size of the wheel is adjustable, ranging from 4 inches to more than 25 inches, the company said. Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/tech/2023/11/419_364058.html


[News Article] Sixth Korean Apple store to open in Hanam

Sixth Korean Apple store to open in Hanam    BY JIN EUN-SOO, Korea JoongAng Daily - Apple is set to open its sixth retail store in Hanam, Gyeonggi next month, marking the tech giant’s first offline outlet in Korea that is outside of Seoul. Apple confirmed the location on Monday and released an image of the store's barricade imprinted with Apple's logo. The store is set to open on Dec. 9. “[The store] is an optimized location to meet and purchase Apple products,” the company said in a release Monday. “Domestic customers can visit Apple Hanam and other offline retail stores to meet iPhone 15 lineup, Apple Watch lineup and soon-to-release M3 Mac lineup.” The Cupertino, California-based company has been accelerating its offline presence in Korea recently as it strives to capture a greater share of Korea's smartphone market. After opening its first offline store in Garosu-gil in Sinsa-dong, southern Seoul, in 2018, Apple's second Korean retail store came rather slowly, popping up three years later in Yeouido, western Seoul.  The expansion then picked up pace. A third Apple store opened in Myeong-dong, central Seoul, in 2022, followed by locations in Jamsil and Gangnam District, southern Seoul in 2022 and 2023 respectively. When the Hanam location is up and running, Apple will have opened two stores per year in 2022 and 2023. Online communities have speculated that seventh offline outlet is opening soon in Hongdae, western Seoul. Photos depicting the exterior construction of a building resembling an Apple store have leaked. Apple has recently started recruiting in Korea for two branches, identified merely by “Seoul east" and “Seoul west."  Hanam is located to the east of Seoul. Apple's share of Korea's smartphone market has been increasing recently, especially as younger generations opt for iPhones over Samsung's Galaxy series.  Apple's phones accounted for 15 percent of Korea's smartphone market in the third quarter of this year, according to Counterpoint Research, an increase of 2 percentage points compared to 2022. Source: https://koreajoongangdaily.joins.com/news/2023-11-27/business/industry/Sixth-Korean-Apple-store-to-open-in-Hanam/1922445


[News Article] Mohegan Inspire integrated resort to hold soft opening in Incheon Nov. 30

Mohegan Inspire integrated resort to hold soft opening in Incheon Nov. 30   By Lee Hae-rin, The Korea Times - Mohegan Inspire Entertainment Resort in Incheon will partly open its doors ahead of its full launch, Thursday. According to the resort, it will host a soft opening, which will include the opening of three hotel towers with 1,275 rooms, a multipurpose performance venue with a capacity of 15,000 seats, a 150-meter-long entertainment street “Aurora,” featuring giant LED screens, a glass-domed indoor water park “Splash Bay,” MICE facilities and restaurants. Equivalent to the size of 64 football fields, the Incheon-based resort will become the largest integrated entertainment resort in Northeast Asia once all four phases are fully complete — although it remains unknown when the full business expansion will be concluded. Following the soft opening, the resort will open the “Inspire Mall” and a foreigner-exclusive casino during the first quarter of next year. Other facilities, including the outdoor entertainment facility “Discovery Park,” an international food court and exhibition center, will open in the following quarter. “This is a momentous occasion for Mohegan, marking both a historic partnership for our Tribe and a new echelon for our system of premier integrated entertainment resorts around the world,” said James Gessner Jr., chairman of the Mohegan Tribe and the Mohegan Management Board. “We are delighted that project Inspire, aimed at creating a leading entertainment-integrated resort in Northeast Asia in Incheon, South Korea, has reached a major milestone,” said Chen Si, president of Mohegan Inspire. "As we grow with the community, we will establish ourselves as an ultimate entertainment destination that attracts visitors from around the world, filled with inspiration and innovation.” To celebrate the soft opening and the year-end holiday season, the resort is offering special packages on hotel accommodation and food and beverage. Bookings open on Tuesday. Source: https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/culture/2023/11/141_363941.html 
